Swim121 have lots of swimming success stories with both adults and children with SEND, we have clients who have achieved marvelous results often exceeding the ability of the average person. We have experience of teaching individuals with cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, dwarfism, partial paralysis, hearing and sight impaired, amputees and epilepsy. With a little patience and understanding there is no reason that living with a disability should be an obstacle to swimming.
Whilst perfect stroke technique is often unachievable successful swimming and water confidence is a realistic outcome for most pupils. The freedom of movement, weightlessness and support offered by the water is often liberating, empowering and immensely enjoyable as well as providing exercise and fitness benefits.
We have an adapted version of our badge scheme that monitors and rewards the progress of each individual providing an added incentive and sense of achievement.
Autism, ADHD, Learning and behavioural difficulties.
Class lessons rarely work for individuals with these issues due to, the distractions caused by large noisy environments, other pupils and the formal type of lessons delivered particularly at public pools. We have significant experience over the years of dealing with pupils with attention issues and recognise the need to make them water safe. They rarely recognise the dangers in water and often have an inflated misplaced belief in their own ability. Our lessons are tailored to these individuals finding fun ways of engaging their attention, limiting time spent on any individual routine, avoiding repetition and giving positive feedback. Most of our instructions are visual as well as verbal and on an a one to one basis it is easier to keep them on task. We tend to be more tolerant of petty behavioural issues whist maintaining and enforcing clear boundaries.
The link below shows Ben, he is an amazing little swimmer. Ben has swam with Swim121 from the age of 5.
Ben can demonstrate a strong and perfect breaststroke over 25 meters and has completed our badge scheme for those with SEND. He now swims for exercise and for the enjoyment the water brings him.